Spanning three generations, New Circle Five is an acoustic improvising contemporary music ensemble. Diverse musical backgrounds result in unique twists as the five explore the one-time only sonic environment of collective creative improvisations. The New Circle Five grew from an invitation Susie extended to Pauline to join her for a duo concert; the duo concept quickly grew to a quintet and the New Circle Five gave its premiere performance at the Tonic in New York City on April 3, 1999.
On this, their debut recording, New Circle Five perform their unique blend of collective creative improvisations from dreams of a non-violent world.
- Accordion – Pauline Oliveros
- Percussion – Susie Ibarra
- Soprano Vocals – Kristin Norderval
- Trombone, Conch, Didgeridoo – Monique Buzzarté
- Violin, Voice – Rosi Hertlein